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Asus Oled for Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

by Pierre-Yves Landuré last modified 2008-01-02 14:05

asusoled is a tool allowing to control the OLED screen available on some ASUS laptops. This article explain you howto to install it by using a Debian package i've created.

Fast and obfuscated

The following command lines allow you to install Asus Oled in two quick steps. First, initialize you sudo environment :

sudo echo

And run :

echo "# Lone Wolf AsusOled packages for Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon
deb gutsy asusoled
deb-src gutsy asusoled" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gutsy-landure-asusoled.list
wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install asusoled

Your OLED screen should now display the date and time. If you want to disable it, you only have to edit  /etc/default/asusoled, and run :

sudo /etc/init.d/asusoled restart


The first step is to add the needed repository to the apt configuration.

echo "# Lone Wolf AsusOled packages for Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon
deb gutsy asusoled
deb-src gutsy asusoled" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gutsy-landure-asusoled.list

We download the GPG key signing this repository :

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

We update the available packages list :

sudo apt-get update

Now, click here to install asusoled.

Building from sources

If you do not want to use my package, here is how to install asusoled from sources :

First, you need to install Bazaar, a tool mandatory to download source code. We also install tools needed to build asusoled :

/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/apt-get install bzr build-essential cmake libsdl1.2-dev libusb-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev

We download the source code :

/usr/bin/bzr branch /tmp/asusoled

We change directory to the one containing the sources :

cd /tmp/asusoled

We correct the sources so that the building use the correct source directory : (a ugly but working patch) :

/bin/grep --recursive --files-with-matches "home/adilson" /tmp/asusoled/ \
    | /usr/bin/xargs -iFILE /bin/sed -i -e 's/home\/adilson/tmp/g' FILE
/bin/grep --recursive --files-with-matches "home/chuck/fubar" /tmp/asusoled/ \
    | /usr/bin/xargs -iFILE /bin/sed -i -e 's/home\/chuck\/fubar/tmp/g' FILE

And we build the sources :


One this done, and if all went well, we test the asusoled binary :


If it works, we install it :

/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/install /tmp/asusoled/asusoled /usr/bin/

And we disable the OLED display :

/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/asusoled -d

Note : It seems that the OLED screen can be burned if the ASUS logo is displayed for a long period. It is probably wiser to disable the OLED screen if you do not use it.

If you want to use a init.d script, I suggest you extract if from the Debian package asusoled_0.02bzr20071230-1_i386.deb.


  • Thanks to Asus Oled developers.
  • Thanks to Arzh witch greatly helped me to create the asusoled init.d script.
  • Thanks to Prométée that made me discover Asus Oled.


Posted by Adolfotregosa at 2008-03-07 18:12

Could you make a rpm package of your asusoled package ??

Thank you very much


Posted by lwolf at 2008-03-08 06:31
No.... i'm a anti RPM extremist, i'm even more anti RPM than anti Microsoft... Do the work by yourself, all the files are there.


Posted by Adolfotregosa at 2008-03-11 01:09
if I knew HOW , beleave me, i would not have asked for help !

The fact is..

Posted by lwolf at 2008-03-11 06:16
that i do not know how to do this either. Making RPM package is a lot more painful that making Debian ones :D

I can only encourage you to use tar -xfz on the debian package i provide to get to its contents.


Posted by adolfotregosa at 2008-03-11 12:44
allready did that but it doesn't compile nor run.

it's a shame because it's the only thing not working since i stoped using ubuntu.

try this... dunno if it will work 4u

Posted by luceant at 2008-05-01 18:18

Changes to asusoled-clock

Posted by Cláudio Esperança at 2008-03-08 06:09
Hello Pierre. Thanks for the files. I have tested them on Gentoo, and they work fine.

I've made some changes in the asusoled-clock script in order to simulate an analogue clock. The files are avaiable on this link, if you want to check it out

If you can't download the files on the link above, please send me an email to so I can send you the files.

Thanks again.

Thank you for your work

Posted by lwolf at 2008-03-08 06:32
I'll take a look as soon as possible and will update this page.

Asus Oled on amd64

Posted by Daan at 2008-04-12 20:57

I curruntly run Gutsy amd64 on an Asus G1s. It seems like I have a problem installing Asus Oled because of it. This is what I get out of the Software Sources app: Unable to find expected entry asusoled/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)

Is there a way to fix this?


Posted by lwolf at 2008-04-13 05:24
i do not build packages for amd64. You could try building the package from sources :

this can probably be done with commands like this :

sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev fakeroot
sudo apt-get build-dep asusoled
apt-get source asusoled
cd asusoled-*
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot asusoled
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i asusoled*.deb

If these command does not work, google and manpages can help you.
Good luck

did not work

Posted by Mic Nguyen at 2008-09-20 17:14
well.. i tried your commands but it does not work. I'm using Hardy 64 bit right now.
Do you have a deb file to download?


asus oled

Posted by AloNe at 2008-11-14 10:43
i had tried it, but it doesń work, my laptop is an asus g2sg and i'm runing ubuntu 7.10 hardy amd64, it gave me an error while i make build-dep asusled
"E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/falcon.landure.fr_dists_gutsy_asusoled_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)"

Intrepid Ibex

Posted by Roshan at 2008-11-01 04:48
thank you so much for your help with the oled. It worked perfectly on gutsy, however I just upgraded to intrepid ibex and this does not seem to be working for me. Do you know what I could do to solve this problem? Thank you very much for your help.


Posted by Roshan at 2008-11-01 22:39
nevermind i got it to work once it restarted the laptop, however is there a way to change the date fromat from dd/mm/yy to mm/dd/yy?


Posted by lwolf at 2008-11-01 23:17
Digging into my memory, you should take a look at /etc/default/asusoled, or /usr/bin/asusoled. Good luck

How can I change the clock to a 12 Hr time format?

Posted by Rukasuzu at 2009-01-04 18:12
How can I change the clock to a 12 Hr time format?
I have used the deb version!

I have tried berlios and I can't seem to configure it.
I get an error on compile, It won't just compile !

That topic I posted refers to asusoled!

Posted by Rukasuzu at 2009-01-04 18:14
That top topic I posted refers to asusoled!

It worked.

Posted by David at 2009-01-07 11:49
Works perfectly with crunchbang. Better functionality than the stock windows version. Much thanks!

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