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AstroMenace for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

Par Pierre-Yves Landuré - Dernière modification 13/10/2007 19:25

AstroMenace is a space fighting game with nice 3D animations. It is more a Shoot Them Up than a space fighter simulation, but it is still a nice game.

Fast and obfuscated

The following command lines will allow you to quickly install AstroMenace. First, you need to initialize you sudo environment :

sudo echo

And run these command lines :

echo "# AstroMenace for Debian
deb http://viewizard.com/linux/ debian/" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-astro-menace.list
wget http://www.viewizard.com/linux/viewizard-gpg.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install astromenace

You can now play at this game by clicking on AstroMenace in the Gnome Games menu or by running :



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